Arthritis: busting the diet myths |
Rumour has it certain foods should be avoided if you have arthritis. We set the record straight…
WHEN YOU’VE BEEN DIAGNOSED with arthritis, it’s important not to cut
out foods from your diet without good reason. ‘Too many people cut out
whole food groups without finding substitutes and thereby run the risk
of other health problems down the line,’ says HFG expert and GP Dr Dawn
Harper. Common ingredients that come under fire include:
Dairy, veg and ‘nightshade foods’
‘People with arthritis are often advised to avoid foods that might
aggravate inflammation, such as dairy products and vegetables from the
nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and aubergines),’ says
HFG nutrition consultant Juliette Kellow. ‘But there’s little scientific
evidence to support this. If anything, people with arthritis should eat
dairy more regularly to ensure a good intake of calcium and other bone
health nutrients.’
Acidic foods
Similarly, it’s often recommended that sufferers avoid acidic foods,
such as lemons, limes and other citrus fruit – but again, there’s no
proof that this will help to ease arthritis symptoms. ‘It’s not a good
idea to avoid any fruit or vegetable unnecessarily, as they provide such
a spectrum of vitamins and minerals for general good health,’ explains
Juliette. ‘Plus these fruits are low in calories and fat, so they’re
useful for helping us control our weight.’
Foods containing oxalic acid
Despite the myth, rhubarb, spinach, asparagus, parsley and other foods
containing oxalic acid will not aggravate arthritis symptoms.
But if you think certain foods are making your arthritis worse, keep a
food and symptoms diary and, if a pattern emerges, ask to be referred
to a registered dietitian. They will help to devise a balanced diet plan
that excludes any aggravating foods.
If anything, people with arthritis should eat dairy more regularly